Make R&D more efficient

Research and development, conducted at universities, research institutes, and companies around the world on a variety of scales, is an important activity for expanding human knowledge and enriching people's lives. However, there are various inefficiencies at the cutting edge of science and technology that have nothing to do with the inherent difficulties of research and development. We provide infrastructure and services to eliminate inefficiencies from the field of expanding human knowledge, so that the people working there can focus more on their essential work.

Beyond Data Management Using Spreadsheets

The process of research and development generates a large amount of information of various types in various formats in multiple groups and departments. However, for various reasons, this information, which may contain the future source of wealth in the manufacturing industry, is managed in a way that breaks the relationships that should be maintained. This is partly because spreadsheet software, with its incredible versatility, seems to be able to satisfy the various demands of the research community. However, just as SaaS has begun to change the way work is done in sales and recruiting, Randeft believes that the workflow in R&D needs to go one step beyond the spreadsheet in order to properly understand, manage, and utilize the information that accumulates in an organization on a day-to-day basis.

Electron micrograph of nanoparticlesHands wearing gloves and holding a sample.SAMPLE SET IN THE X-RAY DIFFRACTOMETERElectron micrograph of metallographic structure

Transaction results

Development of measurement data analysis algorithms

Press Release

Randeft, a developer of R&D data management platform for the materials industry, raises approximately 70 million yen from Incubate Fund
Officially releases "Randeft," an R&D data management SaaS that serves as a stepping stone to data-driven R&D

interview (i.e. television, newspaper, etc.)

A Conversation on Experimental Data Management between Two Former Researchers and Entrepreneurs | tayo magazine
Interview with Kotaro Saito, Representative Director, Landeft - Chemical Daily

Founder's Introduction

Founder's Photo
Kotaro Saito

After finishing Ph D on the study of rare earth compounds at Tohoku University in 2012, he stayed at Laboratoire Léon Brillouin in France for 9 months as a JSPS Research Fellow. After returning to Japan, he engaged in research on permanent magnet materials using neutrons and synchrotron radiation as a member of the Elements Strategy Initiative of Magnetic Materials at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK). During this time, he was exposed to the attractiveness and difficulty of researching materials indispensable to industry. 2 years from August 2017, he worked as a fellowship researcher at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, engaging in joint research with a major automobile company. Since that time, his interest in improving the efficiency of measurement and analysis has grown. After returning to Japan, he engaged in research and prototype development for new business development at Medley before founding Randeft. Currently, he is also a researcher at the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University. He writes about analysis and visualization of measurement data using Python on Qiita. See his research achievements here.

Company Information

Company Name
Randeft Inc.
〒102-0074 東京都千代田区九段南1-5-5 九段サウスサイドスクエア4階
December 2020
Kotaro Saito
  • Planning, development, and operation of R&D-related data management platform
  • Contract data analysis
capital stock
74.57 million yen (including capital reserve)